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SVRA Events are listed below:
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Sportscar Vintage Racing Association (SVRA):

            8708  the Mid Ohio SVRA on June 26‑28, 1987.

                8808  the SVRA‑River City Vintage Grand Prix at Memphis, TN on May 27‑29, 1988.

                8809  the SVRA‑Chase Bank Vintage Grand Prix at Mid Ohio on June 23‑26, 1988.

                8811  the SVRA races at Watkins Glen on September 9‑11, 1988.

                8912  the SVRA‑Mid Ohio Vintage Grand Prix on June 22‑25, 1989.

                8913  the SVRA‑Atlanta Challenge at Road Atlanta on July 14‑16, 1989.

                8918  the SVRA‑Serengeti Drivers Cup at Watkins Glen, NY on Sept 7‑10, 1989.

                8921  the Atlanta Vintage Grand Prix at Road Atlanta on October 28‑29, 1989.

                8923  the SVRA Winter Fling at Moroso Motorsport Park on December 8‑10, 1989.

                9007  the Palm Beach Historic Automobile Races @ Moroso Park on March 9‑11, 1990.               

                9008  the Spring Fling @ Sebring International Raceway on March 14‑17, 1990.

                9018  the Heartland Vintage Grand Prix @ Topeka on June 1‑3, 1990.

                9020  The United Telephone Vintage Grand Prix @ Mid‑Ohio on June 22 ‑ 24, 1990.

                9028  the Serengeti Vintage Cup @ Watkins Glen on Sept. 7‑9, 1990.

                9032  the SVRA President's Cup at Summit Point Raceway on October 5‑7,1990.

                9034  the SVRA  Vintage races at Road Atlanta on October 26‑28, 1990.

                9038  the SVRA Winter Fling at Moroso Motorsports Park on Nov. 30‑Dec. 2, 1990.

                9105  SVRA Spring Fling II at Moroso Motorsports Park‑March 8‑10, 1991.

                9106  SVRA Spring Fling III at Sebring International Raceway‑March 13‑16, 1991.

                9114  the SVRA Historic races at Elkhart Lake on May 18‑19, 1991.

                9116  the SVRA Historic races at Heartland Park‑Topeka, Kansas on May 31‑June 2, 1991.

                9118  the SVRA Historic races at Mid Ohio on June 21‑23, 1991.

                9119  the Canadian‑American Vintage Race at MosPort Canada on June 27‑30, 1991.

                9127  the SVRA Formula‑1 Reunion at Watkins Glen on September 6‑8, 1991.                   

                9131  the SVRA Summit Point Vintage Grand Prix on October 4‑6, 1991.

                9133  the Atlanta Vintage Grand Prix on October 25‑27, 1991.

                9137  the SVRA Winter Fling at Moroso Motorsports Park on December 6‑8, 1991.

                9205  the SVRA Spring Fling I at Moroso Motorsports park on March 13‑15, 1992.

                9213  the SVRA Vintage Grand Prix at Road America on May 29‑31, 1992.

                9217  the SVRA Vintage Grand Prix at Mid Ohio on June 26‑28, 1992.

                9226  the SVRA Formula 1/Lister reunion at Watkins Glen on September 11‑13, 1992.

                9228  the SVRA Vintage races at Summit Point, WV on October 2‑4, 1992.

                9230  the SVRA Atlanta Grand Prix on October 23‑25, 1992.

                9305  the SVRA Spring Fling at Moroso Motorsports Park on March 12‑14, 1993.

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              9306  the SVRA Spring Fling II at Sebring International Raceway on March 17‑20, 1993.

                9309  the SVRA BMC & Small Bore Reunion at Roebling Road on April 15‑18, 1993.

                9315  the SVRA vintage races at Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin on May 21‑23, 1993.

                9322  the SVRA Vintage races at Mid Ohio on July 8‑11, 1993

     9329  the SVRA Formula One Reunion at Watkins Glenn International on September 10-12, 1993.                                                                                                                                             

                9331  the SVRA Vintage Races at Summit Point on October 1‑3, 1993.

                9333  the SVRA Vintages Races at Road Atlanta on October 22‑24, 1993.

                9407  the SVRA Spring Fling at Moroso Motorsports Park on March 11‑13, 1994.

                9408  the SVRA Spring Fling II at Sebring International Raceway on March 16‑19, 1994.

                9417  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Road America on May 19‑22, 1994.                   

                9429  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Pocono Int'l Raceway on August 12‑14, 1994.

                9433  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Watkins Glen, NY on September 8‑11, 1994.

                9437  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Road Atlanta on October 21‑23, 1994.

                9507  the SVRA Spring Fling at Moroso Motorsports Park on March 9‑12, 1995.

                9520  the SVRA Vintage races at Mid‑Ohio on June 22‑25, 1995.

                9532  the SVRA Formula‑1 reunion at Watkins Glen on September 7‑10, 1995.

                9536  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Road Atlanta on October 20‑22, 1995.

                9605  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Moroso Speedway on March 8‑10, 1996.

                9606  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Sebring Int'l raceway on March 13‑16, 1996.

                9608  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Roebling Road on March 29‑31, 1996.

                9612  the SVRA Victoria British Vintage Grand Prix at Road America on May 16‑19, 1996.

                9619  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Pocono Int'l Speedway on August 2‑4. 1996.

                9623  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Watkins Glen on September 6‑8, 1996.

                9627  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Road Atlanta on October 18‑20, 1996.

                9712  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Road America on May 16‑18, 1997.

                9716  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Mid‑Ohio on June 26‑29, 1997.

                9721  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Watkins Glen on September 4‑7, 1997.


                9726  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Road Atlanta on October 17‑19, 1997.

                9821  the SVRA Vintage/Historic races at Watkins Glen on September 11‑13, 1998.